[charitable_donation_form campaign_id=3452]
  • We are planting the seeds of change through

    Education + Entrepreneurship

    Our mission is to empower children and families in rural Uganda to rise above the constraints of poverty through education and business development.

    Who We Are

    Education, Entrepreneurship, Empowered

    Rooted Wisdom Africa is focused on building Ugandan communities for long-term, sustainable success.

    We begin through dialogue with the community, and our programs are then adjusted to meet those specific needs. Our blueprint: education and enterprise tied together and led from the inside out results in local leadership and demonstrated financial independence.

    Help plant the seeds of sustainability

    Experience the transformative impact of joining The Grove, a collection of individuals deeply committed to Rooted Wisdom Africa’s mission and programs.

    How We're Unique

    We partner with communities in need

    We are ROOTED in local leadership

    We employ local leadership, long-term investment, and bottom-up approaches.

    We are ROOTED in community development

    Our participants plant seeds of knowledge, time, and resources back to the community.

    We are ROOTED in knowledge transfer

    We implement targeted programs tailored to rural Uganda, where our experience, expertise, and passion lie.

    We are ROOTED in economic development

    Our programs are built on the premise that economic enterprise catalyzes sustainable transformation.

    Rooted Wisdom's Programs have

    Real Impact

    Our priority is knowledge and skills transfer – we are training trainers, but we also embed peer-to-peer and intergenerational learning to set these communities up for success. To that end, we are trying to work ourselves out of a job in these communities by creating sustainable financial independence for families and entire communities so we can then support others in turn.

    students supported in school
    small businesses launched
    People Reached
    Life Skills Program

    The Life Skills Program offers students the opportunity to reach their full potential through academic scholarships, vocational skill building, personal and professional development courses, and a school feeding program.

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    Donation Total: $50.00

    Collegiate Education Training Program

    The Collegiate Education Training Program combats Uganda’s high unemployment rates by offering students the opportunity to continue their education by learning a trade that addresses a local need or service.

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    Donation Total: $50.00

    Seeding Success

    The Seeding Success programs equip current or aspiring farmers with the skills needed to expand their crop production and income through technical training, business management courses, and hands-on technical support using a cost-effective approach to sustainable farming.

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    Donation Total: $50.00

    Women’s Enterprise Training Program

    The Women’s Enterprise Training Program supports women in launching or expanding a family business through business management courses, skill building, and start-up funding, making their dream of attaining economic self-sufficiency and food security a reality.

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    Donation Total: $50.00


    Planting The Seeds

    I cannot overstate the value of education because it has made me proud and changed me and my family. Rooted Wisdom Africa came in at the time when I needed it most and has nurtured me into a life of endless possibilities.”

    Namutaawe Oliver, Program Graduate

    During the lockdown, I worked in a diary store in Kampala where I earned some money to support my mother while saving to buy some educational materials. While working, some men wanted me to become their girlfriend. One of these men was a doctor who was ready to marry me, and he said I would become the 'doctor's wife' if I accepted his proposal. I was quick enough to tell him that this wasn't enough for me since my dream was to be a doctor myself and not just the wife of a doctor. Therefore, when school reopened, I gladly returned to school determined to fulfill this dream. I have been taught the value of education, and there's no way I can give up my studies to become a young wife." 

    Nuwabiine Blessing, Program Graduate

    Studying nursing has changed the way my community looks at me and how my family takes. I can now make decisions at home because I'm highly educated, and I even make suggestions during family meetings. I'm being called Nusawo, meaning (Doctor) in my village.
    I'm just so happy about the man I'm becoming. This is my dream, and I'm happy to see it come true."

    Atwijukire Emmanuel, Program Graduate
