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Nakibuule Noeline


My name is Nakibuule Noeline, and I am 56 years old. I come from the village of Kibubbu Luwaama in Kikenene Parish, Kisekka Sub County. I am married with eight children, two of whom have completed diplomas in primary teaching courses. Three are in secondary school and three in primary school. I joined the Women Enterprise Training Program Cohort 8 after being inspired by my friend.

Before joining the program, I was living a miserable life because of financial and domestic problems in my life. I did not know what would happen, but I was optimistic because the lives of my friends who had graduated had changed for the better.

When I joined this program, I felt relieved and relaxed. After completing the training, I started my own business, making and selling detergent powder. I can now take care of my family and send my children to school. My life has changed for the better, and I am very grateful for the opportunity that The Women's Enterprise Training Program has given me.

After lesson 4 (Record Keeping), I had already revised my mistakes and gained the confidence to start farming as a business. Since I already had land, I started planting coffee and banana in every available space that I saw. By the time we received the start-up kits, I had already planned, so I used it all to buy fertilizers for my coffee, and my harvests are outstanding. I am now planning to start a piggery project with my harvests. Though there are some challenges like expensive fertilizers and price fluctuation of the produce, I am thrilled to inform you that I no longer face domestic and financial problems. My only request is for more Agricultural workshops to learn the different methods and practices in agriculture.
Special thanks to Into Your Hands Africa for the love and support. May the good Lord bless you all.

56% of our female graduates increased their income within three to six months of completing a Rooted Wisdom program with an average salary increase of 55%